A mixture of uniforms and arty types gathered in old town Tuesday for a kickoff party in celebration of the Foundation Trust Knight 9 million dollars challenge for great ideas for Philadelphia Arts. Represented by groups of art of the city gathered inhaled some sliders and listened as Dennis Scholl, Vice President for Arts, Knight Foundation, talked about "promotion." This is what's called the $ 9 M Knight Arts Challenge program of Philadelphia arts scene, and just what did Scholl twinkle like Bob. Money, distributed over three years, is available for "big ideas" in arts. The application is open to all those who have an idea and pitch in 150 words website Knight. Application opens the site Oct. 5 at 10 a.m., Scholl said, and at 10: 05 took their first Philadelphia application – way to go, Philly! Apply here. Applications close Oct. 31.

Mayor Nutter spoke briefly about the importance of the arts. "Philly is a hot city," he said, as examples of hot-I-tude enumerates the arts, Athletics and the Eagles. as for the 76ers, "I believe this call a recovery year." and then went to say that the arts and culture is a major economic engine for the city from all sports combined.

In a number of approximately 250, we saw a good range of folks from the Visual arts institutions and alternative spaces. Know the dance and theatre Community but not represented in the posse that therefore cannot drop these names but here some have seen or talked to in Visual Arts:
Lorie Mertes in Galleries Moore, and happy Fernandez, President Moore College, John Caperton of centered printing, Travis Heck of Jolie Laide Gallery, which reminded us artist James Hyde speaking today at the Academy at midday. Lorene Carey Art Sanctuary, Alan Edmunds of Brandywine Workshop, Dana Osborn of great and Terrible Collective, David Dempewolf of marginal programme, James Johnson, David Vox populi Brigham of PAFA, Berlin Little Nichole Kelani, John McInerney of greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance, Rachel Zimmerman of Inliquid, Paula Marincola Pei, Nick Kripal Crane Arts, Meg Wise the Fleisher Art Memorial, Dan Schimmel's Breadboard, Jean-Jacques airport Tiziou whose landscape is in today's Philadelphia Inquirer, Hilary Jay Philadelphia Design, Carise Mitch Institute of art, Shelly Yanoff public citizens for children and Youth and Walker Elyse Gretchen running project Picasso for schools.Philadelphia under PCCY.
And, of course, Gary Steuer, Director of the Office of Arts, culture and the Creative economy (we call this art czar), MC.
Learn more about the Knight Arts Challenge Philadelphia: ?
No idea is too large or too small, so long as this follows three main rules:
1. your idea about the arts.
2. your project takes part or benefits Philadelphia.
3. you can find other funds to match the Knight Foundation grant.(Don't worry – you will have one year after is to be awarded the grant to raise matching funds.)
Visit knightarts.org for submitting your best idea.
Applications will be accepted from October 5 – 31. Finalists will be announced in early 2011.Winners will be announced in spring 2011.
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